
Spicy Fish Cardápio

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Platos en Spicy Fish

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Many users found the restaurant to be overpriced for what is served, with some describing it as not good enough for the price charged. However, some users found the food to be worth every penny despite the high prices. The service received mixed reviews, ranging from excellent to average or poor.
  • Hamas Sashimi

    - reviewers describe this dish as "the absolute bomb" and "delicious," making it a must-try for sushi lovers.
  • - this Korean dish is highly recommended by several users, with one stating that it's one of the few good Korean food options in Rio.
  • - recommended as a starter, users describe its flavor as one of the best they've ever eaten.
  • Fried Chicken and Fried Pork Noodles

    - these main dishes were described as sweet and sour, but some found them a bit too sweet.
  • Yuzu Sphere

    - this dessert was described as great by reviewers.
  • - perfectly executed according to one user, this dish is a must-try for dumpling enthusiasts.
  • Prawn on Hibachi

    - described as beautiful, this dish seems to be a crowd pleaser.
  • - reviewers praised both the great service and the freshness of the fish.
  • Moqueca (weekends only)

    - this Brazilian fish stew was a favorite among reviewers.
  • - these dishes were all recommended by a user who enjoyed the overall food and service.
  • - despite mixed reviews, one user found it helpful for a mild hangover.
  • - recommended along with Bibimbap and Redobap.
  • Green Apple Ginger Soda

    - described as fantastic for cooling down.
  • Fitzgerald

    - recommended as a good alcoholic option.
  • Trip to Malibu

    - enjoyed by a reviewer's partner alongside sake and daiquiri.