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Platos en Café Colonial - Bella Mattina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good, but some customers expected more variety for the price charged.
  • Colonial Breakfast Buffet

    - a sensational variety of fresh and made-to-order food items, including bread made on the griddle right away. It offers a wide variety of sweets and savory items that surpasses even a 5-star all-inclusive resort.
  • Bread with Egg and Bacon

    - freshly made bread served with egg and bacon.
  • - described as the best by one of the customers.
  • - a dessert option that was highly recommended by a customer.
  • - part of the savory options in the colonial breakfast buffet.
  • - a traditional Brazilian chicken croquette also included in the buffet.
  • Pepperoni Pie

    - another savory dish in the buffet that is worth trying.
  • Cold Cuts

    - even though one customer preferred larger pieces, they are still part of the buffet's variety.
  • - despite being described as dry and sugary, it could be an option for those who prefer sweet breakfast items.