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Platos en UNA empório e gastronimia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as fair. The food is generally described as delicious and well-prepared, with affordable prices. Some customers experienced slow service, but this did not seem to significantly impact their overall satisfaction with the food. The restaurant also offers promotions that are considered irresistible by some.
  • Chorizo Steak with White Rice

    - this is a great option for those who prefer simple, hearty meals.
  • Pasta and Pizza

    - the restaurant specializes in these dishes, so they're definitely worth trying.
  • - despite the slow service, the risotto was highly praised by a customer celebrating their birthday.
  • Dried Shrimp Portion

    - a seafood option that was mentioned in the reviews.
  • Burrata with Jamon

    - although there was a mix-up with this dish, it still seems worth trying.
  • Meat Dishes

    - the precise preparation of the meat was particularly noted.
  • - the restaurant offers a wide variety of wines and even has festivals with promotions starting at $49.90.
  • - the beer was praised for being very good.