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Platos en Restaurante Rota 77

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Regarding the price/quality ratio, most visitors find it reasonable and fair, considering the quality of the food and services provided. However, there are a few complaints about the limited variety of protein options for the price per kilo and some dishes being a bit oily. Overall, the restaurant is considered to have excellent cost-benefit, with tasty, varied food in a pleasant environment at a fair price.
  • Wood Stove Food

    - the restaurant is frequently praised for its wood stove food, making it a must-try for any visitor.
  • Homemade Dishes

    - the homemade dishes are highly recommended by many reviewers, with particular emphasis on the seasoning and taste.
  • - these basic dishes were highlighted by one reviewer for their great taste and affordability.
  • - on certain days, the restaurant offers free and unlimited pudding, which has been received positively by customers.
  • Salads and Meats

    - the restaurant offers a good variety of fresh salads, meats, chicken, fish, and side dishes.
  • Brazilian Classic Food (Rice and Beans)

    - if you're tired of gourmet food and want to try classic Brazilian dishes, this place is a good choice.
  • - these complimentary items were well-received by one reviewer, adding extra value to the dining experience.