Clube do Comércio Cardápio

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Platos en Clube do Comércio

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant offers good value for money, with reasonable prices for the quality and variety of food offered. Some users mentioned specific prices, indicating they found them fair. However, some negative experiences were also reported, including lack of replenishment of dishes and issues with seasoning.
  • Buffet

    - a good variety of dishes with salads, proteins, and side dishes. However, the food may sometimes be cold.
  • - highly recommended by a user.
  • Grill Plate

    - part of the varied buffet, it is a popular choice among visitors.
  • Barbecue

    - mentioned as part of the buffet options.
  • Desserts

    - they are very good and varied. The dessert pies were specifically mentioned.
  • Vegetarian Options

    - available but not very varied.
  • - tasty according to a review.
  • - part of the buffet options.
  • Mocotó (beef stew)

    - although specific to one review, it was described as very good.
  • Salpicão (Brazilian chicken salad)

    - mentioned in one review, although it was noted as being too salty.
  • Bacalhau (cod dish) and Fish

    - noted as being too salty in one review.
  • Compota de Pêra (pear compote)

    - mentioned in one review as being too sweet.
  • Free Coffee and Tea

    - offered at checkout.
  • Natural Juices

    - described as tasty in one review.
  • - one user enjoyed a glass during their meal.