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Platos en Q Maria Restaurante & Sushi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors agree that while the restaurant is not cheap, the price/quality ratio is fair and worth every penny. The restaurant is also praised for its good service, friendly staff, and kid-friendly area.
  • Rodízio

    - this all-you-can-eat option is highly recommended by many visitors for its variety and exclusive options. The food quality is excellent, making it worth the cost.
  • Steak Parmigiana

    - this dish has been praised for being impeccably prepared.
  • Lasagna with White Sauce

    - another impeccable dish that adds to the restaurant's variety beyond Japanese cuisine.
  • Executive Specials

    - available during weekdays, these dishes are both tasty and economical.
  • Escalopinho de Filé com Rizoto Siciliano

    - this dish was highlighted for its perfect execution. Unfortunately, no photo was provided to capture the moment.
  • Japanese Cuisine

    - the restaurant offers a wide variety of high-quality Japanese dishes, including a very good and varied Rodízio de comida japonesa, with excellent quality fish.
  • Drinks

    - the restaurant also offers a selection of flavorful drinks.