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Platos en Restaurante Pizzaria Perequim

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable considering the location, environment, and service. However, some visitors pointed out that the dishes could use a bit more creativity and that some items were missing from the wine list.
  • - multiple reviews praise the pizza as being delicious and even the best in town. It's a must-try at this restaurant.
  • - the Parmigiana is highly recommended by several reviewers, with one stating it's the best they've ever eaten. It's said to serve two people very well.
  • - this dessert received a positive mention and seems to be a top choice for sweets lovers.
  • Papaya Cream with Cassis

    - one reviewer highlighted this as the best they've ever had, making it a noteworthy dessert option.
  • Massa Verde (Perequim)

    - this pasta dish was mentioned as a good portion size, serving up to three people.
  • Bolognese Fetuccine

    - despite one negative review about the sauce and meat, it's worth trying if you're a pasta lover.