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Platos en Maria Pimenta Pizzaria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews suggest a mixed opinion regarding the price/quality ratio. Some visitors found the restaurant to be a bit pricey, while others thought the prices were fair for the quality and quantity of food served.
  • - the pizza is highly recommended by most visitors, with many calling it the best they've ever had. The variety is wide and the taste is described as delicious and tasty. A specific mention was made of the homemade pizza and the free-range chicken pizza.
  • Hot Tuna Sushi

    - this dish was noted to be very well served.
  • - pasta dishes were mentioned alongside the pizzas as being tasty.
  • Chocolate Milkshake

    - while one visitor found it overpriced, it might be worth trying for chocolate lovers.
  • Japanese Buffet

    - this option was briefly mentioned, suggesting that the restaurant offers a variety of cuisines.
  • Sweet White Gold Pizza

    - this unique pizza was specifically mentioned as serving three people.