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Platos en Restaurante Mamma Tera - Monte Verde

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The prices at this restaurant are considered high by some reviewers, with a few dishes being described as not in line with the price. However, others found the quality of the food to be worth the cost.
  • House Special Gnocchi

    - this dish is mentioned repeatedly in the reviews, often being described as delicious and well-served. However, some reviewers found it a bit pricey and one suggested adding protein to enhance it.
  • Risotto de Bacalhau

    - a traditional New Year's Eve dish, this risotto was highly praised for its flavor.
  • Cheese Ice Cream with Guava Syrup

    - this unique dessert was described as divine, indicating it's a must-try for anyone with a sweet tooth.
  • Ham and Cheese Lasagna

    - a wonderful dish according to one reviewer, especially for those who love classic Italian cuisine.
  • Kids Dish with Tender Filet Mignon

    - perfect for children, this dish is well-served and the meat is very tender.
  • House Style Trout

    - as an individual dish, it is plentiful and very tasty.
  • Bruschetta with Brie Cheese and Apricot Jam

    - a delicious starter that pairs well with the gnocchi.
  • Fettuccini al Aglio e Olio

    - a dish that was said to be worth every penny.
  • Fillet with Gorgonzola and Fettuccine in Butter

    - highly recommended by one reviewer, especially when paired with a good wine.
  • Lemon Risotto with Trout and Almonds

    - described as the best risotto ever by one reviewer, this dish seems to be a standout.
  • Medalhão de Filé with Rustic Potatoes

    - another dish that received high praise and is worth trying.
  • Bolognese Talharim

    - a delicious pasta dish that was enjoyed by a repeat customer.
  • - this famous risotto rice ball is worth trying as a starter.
  • Stuffed Gnocchi

    - this is the flagship dish of the house and a typical dish of the city. It's well-served and delicious.