Jorge's Bar Cardápio

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Platos en Jorge's Bar

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate a mixed opinion on the price/quality ratio. Some customers found the prices to be fair and the food quality high, describing the restaurant as offering great value for money. However, others thought the prices were exaggerated and not worth it.
  • Picanha with whole catupiry and garlic

    - this dish is described as 'giant' and 'delicious'. However, some customers found the picanha's fat to be a little hard.
  • Cooked cassava (mandioca cozida)

    - this side dish is highly recommended by one of the customers, describing it as the best they've ever had.
  • Contra filé with catupiry and garlic

    - this dish was described as wonderful and delicious by a family who ordered it.
  • Comercial de contra filé

    - this dish was reviewed as being well-served and reasonably priced.