
Cortile Ristorante Cardápio

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Platos en Cortile Ristorante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most users found the prices in line with the atmosphere and quality of food. There were mentions of a good price for lunch and favorable prices considering the quality and quantity of food. However, one user found the restaurant expensive for ready-made sauces and another had a negative experience with a cold lasagna.
  • - highly recommended by a user as the best they have ever eaten. It is also mentioned as a good starter.
  • - a French user praised this dish, mentioning its great taste and impressive presentation.
  • Pasta with Prawns

    - another dish highly praised by the same French user for its taste and presentation.
  • Parmigiana di Melanzane

    - described as very tasty and original, although the portion size was a bit small.
  • - recommended as a vegetarian option.
  • - general praise for the pasta, which is reportedly made fresh.
  • - noted for its balanced sweet taste of tomato and cheese.
  • - mentioned as one of the main dishes tried and enjoyed by a user.
  • - another main dish that was tried and enjoyed by a user.
  • Petit Gateau with Ice Cream

    - praised for not being too sweet and having tasty ice cream.
  • Authoral and Traditional Drinks

    - highly recommended to try due to their unique and delicious taste.
  • Lasagna

    - one user reported it arrived cold, suggesting it was frozen food.
  • Filet Parmigiana

    - a user found it thin and tasteless.