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Platos en Coco Bambu Águas Claras

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors found the price/quality ratio of this restaurant to be very satisfactory. The food was consistently described as well-served, well-seasoned, and delicious. The service also received high praise, contributing to an overall pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.
  • Shrimp

    - the best in Brasilia, comes highly recommended by multiple visitors. The international shrimp dish was particularly noted for its creaminess and deliciousness.
  • - a traditional Brazilian dish that received excellent reviews.
  • Vegetarian Options

    - while not specified, the vegetarian options were praised as good choices.
  • Lobster

    - another seafood option that was highlighted for its quality.

Pratos e bebidas em Coco Bambu Águas Claras


brownies bolo inglês petit gateau bolo de chocolate churros queijadas bolos mousse mousse de chocolate bolo de queijo


cortado cordial licor café chocolate caipiroska limonada xerez xerez caipirinhas água de coco vodca moccachino


dukkah cocada tamboril peixe carne virado arroz carne de sol salo rosto croustade ratatouille sima completo caldo filé américain moqueca filé gregada bifes camarões dobrada fruto do mar lulada sopa frita kacamak tilápia bobó de camarão aperitivos causa cebolada ceviche bolinhos parmigiana polenta polenta frita carne seca chao carne de porco toucinho tavë kosi