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Platos en Churrascaria Schneider

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is mixed among visitors. Some believe it offers good value for money, especially considering the buffet selection. Others feel the quality does not match the high price, and some even classify it as a regular steakhouse. However, the general consensus is that the food is well-prepared and of good quality.
  • Varied Meat Selection

    - the restaurant offers a great variety of meats, including steak, lamb, and suckling pig. Some customers have noted that the meat is always well-seasoned, hot, and juicy. However, a few have complained about the meat being dry or reheated.
  • Seafood Options

    - the buffet includes a wide range of seafood dishes, such as shrimp (both breaded and in garlic and oil), crab, salmon, and mussels. The seafood is generally praised for its quality.
  • - the sushi offered at the buffet is described as 'very good'.
  • - the risotto is mentioned as one of the dishes available at the buffet.
  • - the salad is specifically mentioned as part of the buffet selection and is generally appreciated by customers.
  • Desserts

    - the restaurant offers a variety of desserts, including two types of pudding, ice cream pie, chocolate mousse, biscuit tart, and fruits.
  • Drinks

    - the drinks are described as 'stupidly cold', suggesting they are served very chilled.
  • Cheese and Salami

    - these are listed among the buffet options.
  • Japanese Food

    - apart from sushi, the buffet includes other Japanese food options.
  • Barbecue

    - the barbecue at the restaurant is said to be one of the best in Porto Alegre.