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Platos en Restaurante e Pizzaria Cabana do Luiz

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
It's worth noting that one customer had a negative experience with the picanha dish, and another felt that the portion sizes were too small for the price. However, most reviewers are happy with the price/quality ratio, describing it as fair or good, although one reviewer found it expensive.
  • - this dish is highly recommended by multiple reviewers, with one calling it the "most perfect" they've ever eaten. It's often well-seasoned and served at the right temperature.
  • - the restaurant serves a variety of pizzas that customers love. The heart of palm pizza with cream is said to be wonderful. Other recommendations include the volcano pizza, the Suprema, and the Margarita.
  • Pasta with Shrimps

    - this dish is mentioned as one of the specialties of the restaurant's professional chefs.
  • Filet with Gorgonzola

    - a reviewer enjoyed this dish along with pizza.
  • Codfish Cake

    - this is another dish that is frequently ordered and enjoyed by customers.
  • Crab Cone

    - this is said to be very tasty by a customer who sometimes orders it.
  • Cachacinha with Corn

    - this drink is praised for being delicious.
  • Cold Beer

    - the restaurant always serves its beer cold, which is appreciated by customers.