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Platos en Restaurante Casa de Maria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, opinions about the price/quality ratio at this restaurant are mixed. Some reviewers believe it offers good value, especially for the all-you-can-eat pizza and carvery, while others feel the prices are high for what is offered.
  • Carvery

    - highly recommended by many reviewers for its excellent quality and value.
  • All-You-Can-Eat Pizza

    - a favorite among visitors, with a wide variety of both sweet and savory options.
  • - delicious and well-filled, a must-try according to the reviewers.
  • - the rib with cream cheese and the kafta come highly recommended, though some found the breast tip to be too tough.
  • - mixed reviews, some found them delicious while others felt they lacked flavor.
  • Self-Service Ramp

    - offers a selection of salads, cheeses, and cold cuts which is worth exploring.
  • Desserts

    - specifically mentioned as being great for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Drinks

    - mixed reviews, some found the soft drinks to be cold enough, others did not.