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Platos en Bora Bora - Restaurante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant appears to be somewhat mixed. Some visitors found the food to be overpriced for the quality, while others thought the prices were fair. It seems that while the food is generally enjoyed, the service and atmosphere may not always live up to expectations.
  • Shrimp Pastries

    - these come highly recommended by one visitor who mentioned them specifically. They seem to be a popular choice.
  • Mixed Barbecue Meat

    - while one reviewer mentioned it was tough, they still enjoyed it enough to suggest ordering a different dish next time, implying the flavor was good despite the texture.
  • Fish Gurjão

    - despite coming with thorns, this dish was mentioned specifically, suggesting it might be worth trying for those who don't mind picking out the bones.
  • Arroz à Piamontese

    - one reviewer had a negative experience with this dish, but as it was mentioned specifically, it might be worth trying to form your own opinion.
  • Various meat and fish options

    - the restaurant offers a variety of these, and while not specified, they were mentioned in a positive light.