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Platos en Acarajé da Cláudia Baiana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as average. Despite some complaints about the service, the food, particularly the acarajé, is highly praised.
  • - this traditional Brazilian dish is the star of the restaurant, with multiple reviews praising it as the best in Rio de Janeiro, if not the entire state. Made with great care and dedication, it's said to be delicious and of high quality. Some customers recommend trying the more expensive version for a more generous serving of shrimp.
  • Student Cupcake

    - mentioned once, but positively, this dessert seems to be a good companion to the acarajé.

Pratos em Acarajé da Cláudia Baiana