Gelateria Zibello Cardápio

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Platos en Gelateria Zibello

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is considered high by visitors. While some customers feel that the prices are too high, especially for the pistachio gelato, others believe that the quality of the gelato justifies the cost. The unique flavors and high-quality ingredients are often highlighted as reasons why the gelato is worth the price.
  • Pistachio Gelato

    - this is a fan favorite, although it's a bit more expensive due to its popularity. Despite the price, it's highly recommended for its delicious taste.
  • Chocolate Gelato with Orange

    - a unique combination of flavors that comes highly recommended.
  • Coconut Gelato with Wine and Spices

    - an interesting blend of flavors that has been praised by customers.
  • Salted Caramel Gelato

    - described as divine and one of the best in João Pessoa.
  • Stupendo (Ricotta with Orange) Gelato

    - this unique flavor is a standout on the menu and worth trying.
  • Apple Strudel Gelato

    - another unique flavor that has been highly praised by customers.
  • Dulce de Leche Gelato

    - a classic flavor that is of great quality, comparable to Italian gelatos.
  • Peanut Gelato

    - another classic flavor that is of great quality.
  • Biscoito Gelato

    - a wonderful choice according to one customer.
  • Cheesecake Ice Cream

    - delicious and worth trying.