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Platos en San Michelli Pizzaria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as good to very good. The pizzas are praised for their quality and fair pricing, though some comments suggest the service might affect the overall experience.
  • Mozzarella Pizza

    - highly recommended by many visitors for its simplicity and excellent quality. The use of top-quality ingredients makes it a standout dish.
  • - noted for their variety and taste, these pizzas are a great option for those seeking plant-based meals.
  • Pizza with Wine

    - a combination praised by customers. The restaurant offers wonderful wine by the glass to accompany their delicious pizzas.
  • Delivery Pizzas

    - customers noted the quality of the pizzas remained excellent even when ordered for delivery.