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Platos en Manjericão Restaurante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors consider the prices at this restaurant to be fair and reasonable for the quality and variety of food offered. Some found the prices to be a bit high on Saturdays.
  • Buffet

    - the buffet is highly praised for its quality and variety. It's especially recommended on Saturdays when there are numerous fish and seafood options.
  • Homemade Food

    - the restaurant offers delicious homemade food with many self-service options.
  • - there's a good variety of salads available. However, the fish options are always fried, which some customers may not prefer.
  • Japanese Food

    - for fans of Japanese cuisine, this restaurant is worth a visit. The quality is reportedly excellent.
  • Hot Dishes

    - the self-service per kilo option includes a good variety of salads and hot dishes, all very well prepared.
  • Vegetarian Options

    - there are ample vegetarian options available, including salad steak and a variety of vegetables and greens.
  • Kid-Friendly Options

    - the restaurant also offers kid-friendly options such as vegetables and greens.

Pratos e bebidas em Manjericão Restaurante