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Platos en Apaloosa's Churrascaria - Campinas

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered fair or incredible, although some users had issues with specific dishes or drinks. Some users found the meat to be off point or dry, and one user had a bad experience with a strawberry caipirinha.
  • Rodízio

    - the Rodízio is highly recommended by several users for its excellent quality and variety of meats. It also comes with great service from polite and kind waiters.
  • Garlic Bread and Cheese

    - these side dishes received positive reviews for their taste. They are considered to be really good options at the restaurant.
  • Marmitex

    - a takeaway meal worth 30.00, enough for 2 people stuffed with roast meat. It is recommended for its value and quantity.
  • Termite and Ribs

    - these dishes were singled out as favorites by a user, who described them as divine.
  • Natural Juice

    - the juice was praised for being natural and wonderful, though it was noted that it might be a bit pricey.
  • Buffet

    - the buffet has many options and generally receives positive reviews. However, some dishes might not be very fresh.
  • Picanha

    - while one user found the picanha hard and bad-tasting, another user praised it as first-class meat.